Upcoming Church Events

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our brother William Jones whom many may remember for his musical talents and as a dear friend of our Sister Dorothy Agie. He passed into the arms of his Saviour on Friday February 15, 2025 and we ask that you please lift up the family in prayer as they lay him to rest. 

Obituary and service details can be found HERE as well as the church calendar.

Funeral service: February 28, 2025 at 1:00PM (New Haven Funeral Centre)



Glenview Memorial Gardens (7541 Hwy. 50, Woodbridge, ON)

We would also announce the passing of a dear brother from Ossington Baptist Church Deacon Bryan. Please keep the Bryan family in your prayers and join them in celebrating the life of their beloved husband, father and grandfather.

Obituary and service details can be found HERE as well as the church calendar.

Funeral service: March 8, 2025

Viewing: 10-11AM Service: 11AM-12:30PM (Revival Times) Livestreamhttps://ipickart.com/stream/CliftonBryan/ Internment: 1:00PM-2:30PM: Beechwood Cemetery (7241 Jane St, Concord)

Purchasing tickets for events online:

  1. Click the link below to enter our online payment platform.
  2. Choose "One-time" under payment schedule.
  3. Select "18-Event" and write the event name in the comment section (For example "Tea Party")
  4. Choose your payment option and follow the prompts.

Remember to save your receipt for confirmation just in case!

Check the calendar for other upcoming events and church activities.


Sunday morning worship service: 11AM

Weekly Bible study: Wednesdays at 7PM


152 Wychwood Avenue Toronto, ON M6C 2T2 416-651-8741 info@stclairavenuebaptist.church